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Tips & Tricks to save you some time and other ZPD news

Support Migration in Progress

I am slowly moving product support articles over here; Please excuse the mess.

Coral v1.2.0 App Logo

Coral v1.2.0

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Coral 2

Coral v2.0.0

Coming SoonTM

Static vs Dynamic in 2023 Image
Categories: Tutorial Tags: PHP Hugo

Static vs Dynamic in 2023

An introduction to Hugo. Is it even worth your time trying to develop a dynamic website for everything?

19 minute read
Show Old Version of File With Git Image
Categories: Snippet Tags: GIT

Show Old Version of File With Git

Wish you could view the content of an older version of a certain file? Well, you can!

Quick read
Using AI Tools for Content Creation Image
Categories: Snippet Tags: AI

Using AI Tools for Content Creation

Using ChatGPT and Mijourney AI tools to save time and get work done

4 minute read
Essential Linux Commands Image
Categories: Snippet Tags: Linux BASH

Essential Linux Commands

Must have commands to get started on the linux command line

7 minute read
News - June2023 Update Image
Categories: News Tags: Coral Firefly

News - June2023 Update

03 June 2023 Release - Firefly and Coral Development

3 minute read



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Get quick tips and real world examples for various problems that you might be tackling as a solo developer or someone working in the enterprise environment.

This is my collection of small tips, tricks, and experiences working in the Information technology industry. I try to cover everything I can in bite-size articles that touch on basic programming, cloud security, hosting, and other basic system administration stuff. If you like the content here, be sure to send me some noise! If you find any mistakes or things that could be reworded, let me know. I'm not the best writer, but I love teaching and passing on as much information as I can.


My language of choice for all things "dynamic web!" You can't go wrong with a language that powers over 80% of the web!


HTML, CSS, and all the other tools we all use to get work done. Photoshop, GIMP, IDEs are just a few of the everyday examples.


Nothing runs in a vacuum! Often times we need full stack awareness which includes BASH, Linux, and all kinds of virtualization tech.